Quantum Circuits
import spire.math._
import axle.quantumcircuit._
import axle.syntax.kolmogorov._
import axle.algebra.RegionEq
val sqrtHalf = Complex(Real(1) / sqrt(Real(2)), Real(0))
val qEven = QBit[Real](sqrtHalf, sqrtHalf)
val distribution = qEven.cpt
// res0: Real = Inexact(
// f = spire.math.Real$$Lambda$8953/0x00000008029b6580@5a0cf27f
// )
// res1: Real = Inexact(
// f = spire.math.Real$$Lambda$8953/0x00000008029b6580@5dc3868e
// )
Dirac Vector Notation
import axle.quantumcircuit._
import axle.algebra.Binary
// res3: Vector[Binary] = Vector(
// axle.algebra.B1$@6dd81677,
// axle.algebra.B0$@75ceea9c,
// axle.algebra.B0$@75ceea9c,
// axle.algebra.B0$@75ceea9c
// )
Vector[Binary](1, 0) ⊗ Vector[Binary](1, 0)
// res4: Vector[Binary] = Vector(
// axle.algebra.B1$@6dd81677,
// axle.algebra.B0$@75ceea9c,
// axle.algebra.B0$@75ceea9c,
// axle.algebra.B0$@75ceea9c
// )
import axle.quantumcircuit._
import axle.quantumcircuit.QBit._
import spire.algebra.Field
import spire.math.Real
implicit val fieldReal: Field[Real] = new spire.math.RealAlgebra()
val QBit0 = constant0[Real]
val QBit1 = constant1[Real]
QBit2.cnot(QBit2(QBit0.unindex ⊗ QBit0.unindex)).unindex
// res6: Vector[spire.math.Complex[Real]] = Vector(
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 1), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0))
// )
QBit2.cnot(QBit2(QBit0.unindex ⊗ QBit1.unindex)).unindex
// res7: Vector[spire.math.Complex[Real]] = Vector(
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 1), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0))
// )
QBit2.cnot(QBit2(QBit1.unindex ⊗ QBit0.unindex)).unindex
// res8: Vector[spire.math.Complex[Real]] = Vector(
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 1), imag = Exact(n = 0))
// )
QBit2.cnot(QBit2(QBit1.unindex ⊗ QBit1.unindex)).unindex
// res9: Vector[spire.math.Complex[Real]] = Vector(
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 1), imag = Exact(n = 0)),
// Complex(real = Exact(n = 0), imag = Exact(n = 0))
// )
Future Work
- Fix and enable
- QBit CCNot
- Shor's algorithm
- Property test reversibility (& own inverse)
- Typeclass for "negate" (etc), Binary, CBit
- Typeclass for unindex
- Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm (D.O. for n-bits) (Oracle separation between EQP and P)
- Simon's periodicity problem (oracle separation between BQP and BPP)
- Grover's algorithm
- Quantum cryptographic key exchange