Game Theory
Framework for expressing arbitrary games.
Monty Hall
See the Wikipedia page on the Monty Hall problem
object contains a model of the rules of the game.
import spire.math.Rational
import axle.probability._
The models supports querying the chance of winning given the odds that the player switches his or her initial choice.
At one extreme, the odds of winning given that the other door is always chosen:
// res0: Rational = 2/3
At the other extreme, the player always sticks with the initial choice.
// res1: Rational = 1/3
The newer
package uses
typeclasses to model the game:
val game = MontyHall()
Create a writer
for each player that prefixes the player id to all output.
import cats.effect.IO
import axle.IO.printMultiLinePrefixed
val playerToWriter: Map[Player, String => IO[Unit]] =
evGame.players(game).map { player =>
player -> (printMultiLinePrefixed[IO]( _)
} toMap
Use a uniform distribution on moves as the demo strategy:
val randomMove: MontyHallState => ConditionalProbabilityTable[MontyHallMove,
Rational] =
(state: MontyHallState) =>
ConditionalProbabilityTable.uniform[MontyHallMove, Rational](evGame.moves(game, state))
Wrap the strategies in the calls to writer
that log the transitions from state to state.
val strategies: Player => MontyHallState => IO[ConditionalProbabilityTable[MontyHallMove, Rational]] =
(player: Player) =>
(state: MontyHallState) =>
for {
_ <- playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayStateTo(game, state, player))
move <- randomMove.andThen( m => IO { m })(state)
} yield move
Play the game -- compute the end state from the start state.
import spire.random.Generator.rng
val endState: MontyHallState =
play(game, strategies, evGame.startState(game), rng).unsafeRunSync()
// M> Door #1: ???
// M> Door #2: ???
// M> Door #3: ???
// C> Door #1:
// C> Door #2:
// C> Door #3:
// M> Door #1: car, first choice
// M> Door #2: goat
// M> Door #3: goat
// C> Door #1: first choice
// C> Door #2: , revealed goat
// C> Door #3:
// endState: MontyHallState = MontyHallState(
// placement = Some(value = PlaceCar(door = 1)),
// placed = true,
// firstChoice = Some(value = FirstChoice(door = 1)),
// reveal = Some(value = Reveal(door = 2)),
// secondChoice = Some(value = Left(value = Change()))
// )
Display outcome to each player
val outcome: MontyHallOutcome =
evGame.mover(game, endState).swap.toOption.get
// outcome: MontyHallOutcome = MontyHallOutcome(car = false)
evGame.players(game).foreach { player =>
playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayOutcomeTo(game, outcome, player)).unsafeRunSync()
// C> You won a goat
// M> Contestant won a goat
An N-Player, Imperfect Information, Zero-sum game
Poker Analytics Example
package models decks, cards, ranks, suits, and ordering.
Define a function that takes the hand size and returns the best 5-card hand
import cats.implicits._
import cats.Order.catsKernelOrderingForOrder
def winnerFromHandSize(handSize: Int) =
Deck().cards.take(handSize).combinations(5).map(cs => PokerHand(cs.toVector)).toList.max
// res4: String = "7♠ 8♣ T♣ K♢ A♢"
20 simulated 5-card hands made of 7-card hands. Sorted.
val hands = (1 to 20).map(n => winnerFromHandSize(7)).sorted{ hand => + " " + hand.description }).mkString("\n")
// res5: String = """7♠ 8♠ T♡ J♠ K♡ high K high
// 6♡ 9♢ T♢ J♢ K♠ high K high
// 7♠ 8♢ J♣ Q♣ A♣ high A high
// 7♣ T♡ J♡ K♢ A♡ high A high
// 6♠ 8♠ Q♠ K♠ A♣ high A high
// 7♠ T♢ Q♡ K♡ A♢ high A high
// 5♠ 5♡ T♢ J♢ A♣ pair of 5
// 5♠ 5♣ Q♣ K♣ A♣ pair of 5
// 6♠ 6♡ 7♢ 8♢ K♡ pair of 6
// 9♡ 9♢ J♠ Q♣ A♡ pair of 9
// 7♢ 9♢ T♠ T♡ Q♠ pair of T
// J♡ Q♡ Q♢ K♢ A♡ pair of Q
// T♡ J♣ K♠ K♢ A♠ pair of K
// 3♡ 3♢ 8♠ 8♣ K♢ two pair 8 and 3
// 7♠ 7♢ T♠ T♢ Q♠ two pair T and 7
// 4♡ 4♣ K♢ A♡ A♢ two pair A and 4
// T♣ K♡ K♣ A♡ A♢ two pair A and K
// 5♣ 8♣ 9♠ 9♡ 9♣ three of a kind of 9
// T♡ J♡ K♡ K♢ K♣ three of a kind of K
// T♠ J♡ Q♠ K♡ A♣ straight to A"""
Record 1000 simulated hands for each drawn hand size from 5 to 9
val data: IndexedSeq[(PokerHandCategory, Int)] =
for {
handSize <- 5 to 9
trial <- 1 to 1000
} yield (winnerFromHandSize(handSize).category, handSize)
BarChartGrouped to visualize the results
import spire.algebra.CRing
import axle.visualize.BarChartGrouped
import axle.visualize.Color._
import axle.syntax.talliable.talliableOps
implicit val ringInt: CRing[Int] = spire.implicits.IntAlgebra
val colors = List(black, red, blue, yellow, green)
val chart = BarChartGrouped[PokerHandCategory, Int, Int, Map[(PokerHandCategory, Int), Int], String](
() => data.tally.withDefaultValue(0),
title = Some("Poker Hands"),
drawKey = false,
yAxisLabel = Some("instances of category by hand size (1000 trials each)"),
colorOf = (cat: PokerHandCategory, handSize: Int) => colors( (handSize - 5) % colors.size),
hoverOf = (cat: PokerHandCategory, handSize: Int) => Some(s"${} from $handSize")
Render as SVG file
import axle.web._
import cats.effect._
Playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker
As a game of "imperfect information", poker introduces the concept of Information Set.
val p1 = Player("P1", "Player 1")
val p2 = Player("P2", "Player 2")
val game = Poker(Vector(p1, p2))
Create a writer
for each player that prefixes the player id to all output.
import cats.effect.IO
import axle.IO.printMultiLinePrefixed
val playerToWriter: Map[Player, String => IO[Unit]] =
evGame.players(game).map { player =>
player -> (printMultiLinePrefixed[IO]( _)
} toMap
Use a uniform distribution on moves as the demo strategy:
import axle.probability._
import spire.math.Rational
val randomMove =
(state: PokerStateMasked) =>
ConditionalProbabilityTable.uniform[PokerMove, Rational](evGame.moves(game, state))
Wrap the strategies in the calls to writer
that log the transitions from state to state.
val strategies: Player => PokerStateMasked => IO[ConditionalProbabilityTable[PokerMove, Rational]] =
(player: Player) =>
(state: PokerStateMasked) =>
for {
_ <- playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayStateTo(game, state, player))
move <- randomMove.andThen( m => IO { m })(state)
} yield move
Play the game -- compute the end state from the start state.
import spire.random.Generator.rng
val endState = play(game, strategies, evGame.startState(game), rng).unsafeRunSync()
// D> To: You
// D> Current bet: 0
// D> Pot: 0
// D> Shared:
// D>
// D> P1: hand -- in for $--, $100 remaining
// D> P2: hand -- in for $--, $100 remaining
// P1> To: You
// P1> Current bet: 2
// P1> Pot: 3
// P1> Shared:
// P1>
// P1> P1: hand 4♡ 5♣ in for $1, $99 remaining
// P1> P2: hand -- in for $2, $98 remaining
// P2> To: You
// P2> Current bet: 87
// P2> Pot: 89
// P2> Shared:
// P2>
// P2> P1: hand -- in for $87, $13 remaining
// P2> P2: hand J♢ 4♣ in for $2, $98 remaining
// P1> To: You
// P1> Current bet: 93
// P1> Pot: 180
// P1> Shared:
// P1>
// P1> P1: hand 4♡ 5♣ in for $87, $13 remaining
// P1> P2: hand -- in for $93, $7 remaining
// D> To: You
// D> Current bet: 93
// D> Pot: 186
// D> Shared:
// D>
// D> P1: hand -- in for $93, $7 remaining
// D> P2: hand -- in for $93, $7 remaining
// P1> To: You
// P1> Current bet: 0
// P1> Pot: 186
// P1> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠
// P1>
// P1> P1: hand 4♡ 5♣ in for $--, $7 remaining
// P1> P2: hand -- in for $--, $7 remaining
// P2> To: You
// P2> Current bet: 1
// P2> Pot: 187
// P2> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠
// P2>
// P2> P1: hand -- in for $1, $6 remaining
// P2> P2: hand J♢ 4♣ in for $--, $7 remaining
// P1> To: You
// P1> Current bet: 5
// P1> Pot: 192
// P1> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠
// P1>
// P1> P1: hand 4♡ 5♣ in for $1, $6 remaining
// P1> P2: hand -- in for $5, $2 remaining
// D> To: You
// D> Current bet: 5
// D> Pot: 196
// D> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠
// D>
// D> P1: hand -- in for $5, $2 remaining
// D> P2: hand -- in for $5, $2 remaining
// P1> To: You
// P1> Current bet: 0
// P1> Pot: 196
// P1> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠ Q♢
// P1>
// P1> P1: hand 4♡ 5♣ in for $--, $2 remaining
// P1> P2: hand -- in for $--, $2 remaining
// P2> To: You
// P2> Current bet: 1
// P2> Pot: 197
// P2> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠ Q♢
// P2>
// P2> P1: hand -- in for $1, $1 remaining
// P2> P2: hand J♢ 4♣ in for $--, $2 remaining
// P1> To: You
// P1> Current bet: 2
// P1> Pot: 199
// P1> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠ Q♢
// P1>
// P1> P1: hand 4♡ 5♣ in for $1, $1 remaining
// P1> P2: hand -- in for $2, $0 remaining
// D> To: You
// D> Current bet: 2
// D> Pot: 200
// D> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠ Q♢
// D>
// D> P1: hand -- in for $2, $0 remaining
// D> P2: hand -- in for $2, $0 remaining
// P1> To: You
// P1> Current bet: 0
// P1> Pot: 200
// P1> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠ Q♢ 4♠
// P1>
// P1> P1: hand 4♡ 5♣ in for $--, $0 remaining
// P1> P2: hand -- in for $--, $0 remaining
// P2> To: You
// P2> Current bet: 0
// P2> Pot: 200
// P2> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠ Q♢ 4♠
// P2>
// P2> P1: hand -- in for $0, $0 remaining
// P2> P2: hand J♢ 4♣ in for $--, $0 remaining
// D> To: You
// D> Current bet: 0
// D> Pot: 200
// D> Shared: 6♢ K♣ K♠ Q♢ 4♠
// D>
// D> P1: hand -- in for $0, $0 remaining
// D> P2: hand -- out, $0 remaining
// endState: PokerState = PokerState(
// moverFn =$$anon$1$$Lambda$8759/0x0000000802932220@5f997431,
// deck = Deck(
// cards = List(
// Card(
// rank =$@693e1998,
// suit =$@a85589b
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@2803a285,
// suit =$@47e30cf8
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@107e6237,
// suit =$@21d3be3
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@3f27d270,
// suit =$@21d3be3
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@46d6f200,
// suit =$@a85589b
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@3f27d270,
// suit =$@9768e2e
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@ab2b152,
// suit =$@9768e2e
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@2803a285,
// suit =$@21d3be3
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@3f27d270,
// suit =$@a85589b
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@2803a285,
// suit =$@9768e2e
// ),
// Card(
// rank =$@2803a285,
// suit =$@a85589b
// ),
// ...
Display outcome to each player
val outcome = evGame.mover(game, endState).swap.toOption.get
// outcome: PokerOutcome = PokerOutcome(
// winner = Some(value = Player(id = "P1", description = "Player 1")),
// hand = None
// )
evGame.players(game).foreach { player =>
playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayOutcomeTo(game, outcome, player)).unsafeRunSync()
// D> Winner: Player 1
// D> Hand : not shown
// P1> Winner: Player 1
// P1> Hand : not shown
// P2> Winner: Player 1
// P2> Hand : not shown
Prisoner's Dilemma
See the Wikipedia page on the Prisoner's Dilemma
package uses
typeclasses to model the game:
val p1 = Player("P1", "Player 1")
val p2 = Player("P2", "Player 2")
val game = PrisonersDilemma(p1, p2)
Create a writer
for each player that prefixes the player id to all output.
import cats.effect.IO
import axle.IO.printMultiLinePrefixed
val playerToWriter: Map[Player, String => IO[Unit]] =
evGame.players(game).map { player =>
player -> (printMultiLinePrefixed[IO]( _)
} toMap
Use a uniform distribution on moves as the demo strategy:
import axle.probability._
import spire.math.Rational
val randomMove =
(state: PrisonersDilemmaState) =>
ConditionalProbabilityTable.uniform[PrisonersDilemmaMove, Rational](evGame.moves(game, state))
Wrap the strategies in the calls to writer
that log the transitions from state to state.
val strategies: Player => PrisonersDilemmaState => IO[ConditionalProbabilityTable[PrisonersDilemmaMove, Rational]] =
(player: Player) =>
(state: PrisonersDilemmaState) =>
for {
_ <- playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayStateTo(game, state, player))
move <- randomMove.andThen( m => IO { m })(state)
} yield move
Play the game -- compute the end state from the start state.
import spire.random.Generator.rng
val endState = play(game, strategies, evGame.startState(game), rng).unsafeRunSync()
// P1> You have been caught
// P2> You have been caught
// endState: PrisonersDilemmaState = PrisonersDilemmaState(
// p1Move = Some(value = Betrayal()),
// p1Moved = true,
// p2Move = Some(value = Betrayal())
// )
Display outcome to each player
val outcome = evGame.mover(game, endState).swap.toOption.get
// outcome: PrisonersDilemmaOutcome = PrisonersDilemmaOutcome(
// p1YearsInPrison = 2,
// p2YearsInPrison = 2
// )
evGame.players(game).foreach { player =>
playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayOutcomeTo(game, outcome, player)).unsafeRunSync()
// P1> You is imprisoned for 2 years
// P1> Player 2 is imprisoned for 2 years
// P2> Player 1 is imprisoned for 2 years
// P2> You is imprisoned for 2 years
A Perfect Information, Zero-sum game
Playing Tic-Tac-Toe
val x = Player("X", "Player X")
val o = Player("O", "Player O")
val game = TicTacToe(3, x, o)
Create a writer
for each player that prefixes the player id to all output.
import cats.effect.IO
import axle.IO.printMultiLinePrefixed
val playerToWriter: Map[Player, String => IO[Unit]] =
evGame.players(game).map { player =>
player -> (printMultiLinePrefixed[IO]( _)
} toMap
Use a uniform distribution on moves as the demo strategy:
import axle.probability._
import spire.math.Rational
val randomMove =
(state: TicTacToeState) =>
ConditionalProbabilityTable.uniform[TicTacToeMove, Rational](evGame.moves(game, state))
Wrap the strategies in the calls to writer
that log the transitions from state to state.
val strategies: Player => TicTacToeState => IO[ConditionalProbabilityTable[TicTacToeMove, Rational]] =
(player: Player) =>
(state: TicTacToeState) =>
for {
_ <- playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayStateTo(game, state, player))
move <- randomMove.andThen( m => IO { m })(state)
} yield move
Play the game -- compute the end state from the start state.
import spire.random.Generator.rng
val endState = play(game, strategies, evGame.startState(game), rng).unsafeRunSync()
// X> Board: Movement Key:
// X> | | 1|2|3
// X> | | 4|5|6
// X> | | 7|8|9
// O> Board: Movement Key:
// O> | | 1|2|3
// O> | |X 4|5|6
// O> | | 7|8|9
// X> Board: Movement Key:
// X> | | 1|2|3
// X> |O|X 4|5|6
// X> | | 7|8|9
// O> Board: Movement Key:
// O> | | 1|2|3
// O> |O|X 4|5|6
// O> X| | 7|8|9
// X> Board: Movement Key:
// X> | | 1|2|3
// X> O|O|X 4|5|6
// X> X| | 7|8|9
// O> Board: Movement Key:
// O> |X| 1|2|3
// O> O|O|X 4|5|6
// O> X| | 7|8|9
// X> Board: Movement Key:
// X> |X| 1|2|3
// X> O|O|X 4|5|6
// X> X|O| 7|8|9
// O> Board: Movement Key:
// O> X|X| 1|2|3
// O> O|O|X 4|5|6
// O> X|O| 7|8|9
// X> Board: Movement Key:
// X> X|X|O 1|2|3
// X> O|O|X 4|5|6
// X> X|O| 7|8|9
// endState: TicTacToeState = TicTacToeState(
// moverOpt = Some(value = Player(id = "O", description = "Player O")),
// board = Array(
// Some(value = Player(id = "X", description = "Player X")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "X", description = "Player X")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "O", description = "Player O")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "O", description = "Player O")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "O", description = "Player O")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "X", description = "Player X")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "X", description = "Player X")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "O", description = "Player O")),
// Some(value = Player(id = "X", description = "Player X"))
// ),
// boardSize = 3
// )
Display outcome to each player
val outcome = evGame.mover(game, endState).swap.toOption.get
// outcome: TicTacToeOutcome = TicTacToeOutcome(winner = None)
evGame.players(game).foreach { player =>
playerToWriter(player)(evGameIO.displayOutcomeTo(game, outcome, player)).unsafeRunSync()
// X> The game was a draw.
// O> The game was a draw.
Future Work
Missing functionality
Remove moveStateStream
For one game (probably Poker)
- Record witnessed and unwitnessed history
Seq[(M, S)]
Display to user in interactiveMove
val mm = evGame.maskMove(game, move, mover, observer)
evGameIO.displayMoveTo(game, mm, mover, observer)
- Then generalize and pull into framework
Motivating Examples
- Walk through game
- Plot distribution of sum(entropy) for both strategies
- Plot entropy by turn # for each strategy
Plot simulated score distribution for each strategy
GuessRiffleSpec: use
Gerrymandering sensitivity
"You split, I choose" as game
Deeper changes to
"AI vs. AI game produces moveStateStream" from working
will be an issue for all non-perfect information
Identify all uses of
(and other random value generation) -
See uses of
Eliminate entropy consumption of
side-effect (egapplyMove(Riffle())
should be its own player
Consider whether
should be a part ofStrategy
type (MS => PM[M, V]
)- More abstractly, more many intents and purposes, all we are about is that resolving PM to M consumes entropy
- In which cases should the
be retained?
- Each N bits consumed during
is its own move
Chance moves consume
UnittedQuantity[Information, N]
could return a lower-entropy probability model
- Perhaps in exchange for a given amount of energy
Or ask for a 0-entropy model and be told how expensive that was
Game theory axioms (Nash, etc)
performance benchmark
Clean up
The references to
illustrate a need for a cleaner way to create a hard-coded strategy -- which could just be in the form of a couple utility functions frommovesMap
to the data needed byevGame.{moves,applyMove}
strategy -
into typeclass -
(especially second property) -
stateStreamMap only used in GuessRiffleProperties -- stop using chain?
stateStrategyMoveStream only used in GuessRiffleProperties
should be a part of GameState (or take it as an argument)? Will wait for pressing use case.
Game Theory and Examples
Game Theory: information sets, equilibria
in terms of a random walk on a graph.
- See "TODO scale mass down"
- Compare to Brownian motion, Random walk, Ito process, ...
Provide some axioms
- no outgoing with path in from non-zero mass monotonically increases
- no incoming with path out monotonically decreases
- possibly provide a version for acyclic graphs
- Iterative game playing algorithm is intractible, but shares intent with sequential monte carlo
- Think about Information Theory's "Omega" vis-a-vis Sequential Monte Carlo
- Improve
as probabilities become smaller -
- Axioms of partial differentiation
- Plotkin Partial Differentiation
- Conal Elliott: Efficient automatic differentiation made easy via category theory
- Max bet for Poker
- syntax for