Probabilistic Graphical Models
Currently only Bayesian Networks
Eventually others including Pearl's causal models.
Bayesian Networks
See the Wikipedia page on Bayesian networks
Example: Alarm
Define random variables
import axle.probability._
val bools = Vector(true, false)
val B = Variable[Boolean]("Burglary")
val E = Variable[Boolean]("Earthquake")
val A = Variable[Boolean]("Alarm")
val J = Variable[Boolean]("John Calls")
val M = Variable[Boolean]("Mary Calls")
Define Factor for each variable
import spire.math._
import cats.implicits._
val bFactor =
Factor(Vector(B -> bools), Map(
Vector(B is true) -> Rational(1, 1000),
Vector(B is false) -> Rational(999, 1000)))
val eFactor =
Factor(Vector(E -> bools), Map(
Vector(E is true) -> Rational(1, 500),
Vector(E is false) -> Rational(499, 500)))
val aFactor =
Factor(Vector(B -> bools, E -> bools, A -> bools), Map(
Vector(B is false, E is false, A is true) -> Rational(1, 1000),
Vector(B is false, E is false, A is false) -> Rational(999, 1000),
Vector(B is true, E is false, A is true) -> Rational(940, 1000),
Vector(B is true, E is false, A is false) -> Rational(60, 1000),
Vector(B is false, E is true, A is true) -> Rational(290, 1000),
Vector(B is false, E is true, A is false) -> Rational(710, 1000),
Vector(B is true, E is true, A is true) -> Rational(950, 1000),
Vector(B is true, E is true, A is false) -> Rational(50, 1000)))
val jFactor =
Factor(Vector(A -> bools, J -> bools), Map(
Vector(A is true, J is true) -> Rational(9, 10),
Vector(A is true, J is false) -> Rational(1, 10),
Vector(A is false, J is true) -> Rational(5, 100),
Vector(A is false, J is false) -> Rational(95, 100)))
val mFactor =
Factor(Vector(A -> bools, M -> bools), Map(
Vector(A is true, M is true) -> Rational(7, 10),
Vector(A is true, M is false) -> Rational(3, 10),
Vector(A is false, M is true) -> Rational(1, 100),
Vector(A is false, M is false) -> Rational(99, 100)))
Arrange into a graph
import axle.pgm._
import axle.jung._
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedSparseGraph
// edges: ba, ea, aj, am
val bn: BayesianNetwork[Boolean, Rational, DirectedSparseGraph[BayesianNetworkNode[Boolean, Rational], Edge]] =
BayesianNetwork.withGraphK2[Boolean, Rational, DirectedSparseGraph](
B -> bFactor,
E -> eFactor,
A -> aFactor,
J -> jFactor,
M -> mFactor))
Create an SVG visualization
import axle.visualize._
val bnVis = BayesianNetworkVisualization(bn, 1000, 1000, 20)
Render as SVG file
import axle.web._
import cats.effect._
The network can be used to compute the joint probability table:
import axle.math.showRational
val jpt = bn.jointProbabilityTable
// res2: String = """John Calls Alarm Earthquake Burglary Mary Calls
// true true true true true 1197/1000000000
// true true true true false 513/1000000000
// true true true false true 1825173/5000000000
// true true true false false 782217/5000000000
// true true false true true 1477539/2500000000
// true true false true false 633231/2500000000
// true true false false true 31405563/50000000000
// true true false false false 13459527/50000000000
// true false true true true 1/20000000000
// true false true true false 99/20000000000
// true false true false true 70929/100000000000
// true false true false false 7021971/100000000000
// true false false true true 1497/50000000000
// true false false true false 148203/50000000000
// true false false false true 498002499/1000000000000
// true false false false false 49302247401/1000000000000
// false true true true true 133/1000000000
// false true true true false 57/1000000000
// false true true false true 202797/5000000000
// false true true false false 86913/5000000000
// false true false true true 164171/2500000000
// false true false true false 70359/2500000000
// false true false false true 3489507/50000000000
// false true false false false 1495503/50000000000
// false false true true true 19/20000000000
// false false true true false 1881/20000000000
// false false true false true 1347651/100000000000
// false false true false false 133417449/100000000000
// false false false true true 28443/50000000000
// false false false true false 2815857/50000000000
// false false false false true 9462047481/1000000000000
// false false false false false 936742700619/1000000000000"""
Variables can be summed out of the factor:
import axle._
// res3: Factor[Boolean, Rational] = Factor(
// variablesWithValues = Vector(),
// probabilities = Map(Vector() -> 1)
// )
Also written as:
// res4: Factor[Boolean, Rational] = Factor(
// variablesWithValues = Vector(),
// probabilities = Map(Vector() -> 1)
// )
Multiplication of factors also works:
import spire.implicits.multiplicativeSemigroupOps
val f = (bn.factorFor(A) * bn.factorFor(B)) * bn.factorFor(E)
// res5: String = """Burglary Earthquake Alarm
// true true true 19/10000000
// true true false 1/10000000
// true false true 23453/25000000
// true false false 1497/25000000
// false true true 28971/50000000
// false true false 70929/50000000
// false false true 498501/500000000
// false false false 498002499/500000000"""
Markov assumptions:
// res6: String = "I({Mary Calls}, {Alarm}, {John Calls, Earthquake, Burglary})"
Future Work
This is read as "M is independent of E, B, and J given A".
- Test: start with
- Factor out each variable until original 5-note network is reached
- Basically the inverse of factor multiplication
bn.factorFor(B) * bn.factorFor(E)
should be defined? (It errors)
collapase into a single BNN -
and the functions they power -
Consider a "case" to be a
vs aVector
Consider usefulness of
in terms ofRegion
} -
Monad tests for
-- could be viewed as "belief updating" (vs "conditioning")
- If it took a ProbabilityModel itself